Saturday, July 31, 2010

Summertime at Osho Viha

I have to admit I haven’t been into blogging lately. My apologies to whatever readers there may be.

Yesterday I delivered the September/October Viha Connection to Shanti Poona for the design. We are still receiving enthusiastic feedback to our July/August issue with many stories from people who came to Osho after he left his body. Amazing how our Master keeps touching folks 20 years later! Some came to him through Osho books they found somewhere, others just saw some Osho photos, and many of course found Osho through Osho’s sannyasins. In recent years many people took sannyas while attending Osho meditation retreats conducted by Swami Arun from Nepal ( After these events there is always an increased demand for Osho malas, which we are happy to supply.

Talking of malas, just in the past few weeks we have shipped malas all over the world: Israel, Brazil, Australia, and pretty much every European country (almost 30 to Italy!). We really enjoy the contact with these Osho lovers all over the globe.

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