Sunday, November 8, 2009

Osho's The Golden Future

Osho's discourse series "The Golden Future" is the most comprehensive and explicit collection of discourses available on Osho’s vision for the future. The book was out of print for many years and has now been reprinted in two volumes:

Vol. 1: Meditation: The Only Way

In these discourses Osho indicates how many of the difficulties facing modern humanity can be traced to a simple fact: We don’t know who were are. Once we recognize our own individuality, a golden future – one in which every human being can live joyously, according to his own nature – becomes available to each and every one of us.

Vol. 2: Freedom from the Past

In these talks Osho reveals more of his vision for a new man and a new world. He shows us how the current global crisis ahs created a sense of urgency that can help usher in a totally new way of living. According to Osho, the coming of the new man and the new world is unavoidable, just as unavoidable as the demise of the old.

The two books together cost $18.95 and can be ordered at


Sourced from Osho Viha Connection Magazine

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